Friday, December 11, 2015

5 Tips for Busy New Moms

I'm a little busy... I did it to myself too. I'm a first time mom to a beautiful 3 month old. I'm trying to plan a wedding, take my RN degree long distance, blog, eat healthy by eating at home, and lose my baby weight for the wedding... and since I'm so busy I'm POSITIVE I'm forgetting at least two things. But since I've been home I have learned a few tricks to my day.

5. Block out your day the minute you get up. 

Start your day by thinking about exactly what you need to accomplish during your day. Whether it's the dishes or dinner or just brushing your hair, I find if I keep a running list in my head I'm less likely to forget things.

4. Plan Ahead.

Even think two or three days out for dinner. We have been planning a week ahead and pulling meat out of the freezer three days ahead to thaw in the refrigerator. This has helped us soooo much. We were eating at about 830 there for awhile because we would forget to pull meat out for dinner, then were stuck waiting for it to be thawed, before we even started dinner. I like to also write down appointments on a calendar. I started when I was almost late...and rescheduled... for Avah's doctor appointment. OOPS! I got busy and completely forgot it was Wednesday. If you also keep a calendar in plain view it helps me feel less like I'm going crazy because I can actually remember what day of the week it is.... usually.

3. Prioritize.

By lunch time if you haven't completed at least two things on your list of 5... likely you wont get done. Accept that that's okay. Of that list that you made when you got up... always be thinking of what is most important to be done next. Some days..... it's brushing my teeth.. haha. I have my day planned out even the night before at times, but I also have my "Big Three" laid out for the day at the very least. Half the time it's washing at least a load of laundry so Glen has clean undies for work, or showering. It's crazy how much you feel like your personal hygiene slips when your a new mom.

2. Talk with your partner about expectations. 

Does he expect you to make dinner, do the laundry and keep the house tidy since your home? He can't read your mind. If you need help, ask. If you'd like him to be tidying while you put your daughter to bed, ask. A little goes a long way. MOST guys will pick up the slack if you ask. AND as a bonus if two people are working at your list... MORE will get done :).

1. Tidy for 5 minutes before bed.

My day goes 10x better when I spend 5 minutes tidying before bed. Even if your not OCD tidier like I am... it's so much easier to find your daughters soother if you know you put it in her drawer last night. OR you don't have to search ten minutes to find your wallet when your on your way out the door. My day runs so much more smooth if I can go to exactly where I know things are... and Avah appreciates not having to wait for her blanket at nap time. And, we all know a happy baby is a happy mommy.

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