Recently I have had the pleasure of bringing my bundle of joy into this world. She currently is 10 weeks old and I'm livin' the dream! I'm a first time mom and I'll be the first to admit that I'm clearly a beginner. But there is one thing I have noticed on my many journeys to the grocery store… new moms… we are beyond easy to spot.
Here’s how you can identify your fellow new mothers with
10 early warning signs of a new mother:
1. Utter perfection... if you don't look too close.
Before we all had children, we had organization in our lives (and I don't mean the pretty clear containers from large box store) I mean, we had routine we got up ate breakfast got ready went to work. So on and so forth. We on the outside wore the badge of hate for "routine" but secretly we all miss it. Now we just try to make sure our hair is brushed and that we have jeans on so we aren't "that mother" in the grocery store (you know who I'm talking about the one with slick back greasy hair an oversized shirt that has numerous stains on it, baggy sweat pants and floppy boots, with bags under her eyes the size of a land yacht). The make-up and calm and collected hair styles may be gone but we all, almost kill ourselves to be super mom... the one who can put on her make-up AND dress the baby before a grocery store outing. Normally however we fail miserably... refer to the description of "that mom" to learn how to accurately identify your very first - first time mom.
2. These birds of a feather…do not flock together.
We all try to isolate ourselves for some silly reason. Again I feel this stems from the desire to be a mother who can do it all. It's like there is an unwritten rule among first time moms. Only one per grocery aisle please. So commonly you will find one mother cowered by the oranges and the next sighting won’t be until your near the cheese aisle. We spread out like butter in a frying pan.
3. Pondering life decisions in front of the cookie aisle.
When I first found out I was going to be a mother, I felt overwhelmed... where do you start reading in the sea of parental information??? I often found myself wondering and contemplating where I would take a stand-on "important issues". Formula or Breastfed? Would I breastfeed in public? Should I get a 'Baby on Board' Sign? Sadly I often found myself wondering about these at all times of the day. In front of the cookies, at the traffic lights, waiting in line for McDonald's. So be on the look-out for your fellow mothers. We can show up anywhere. The bread aisle, the cookies, or ramming into you with our carts while we day dream, or the worse....holding up a line of people and not even realizing you had stopped walking... (Guilty).
4. Desperate wondering eyes.
Since we are new at this, we are constantly evaluating ourselves. Are we doing it right? Am I holding the baby right? Am I using my stroller effectively as a grocery cart? Since we are so new at it we are looking for validation and it comes in the form of judging ourselves against our fellow mother counterparts. Often, we can be found gazing at another mother’s stroller, or how she is disciplining her child in the grocery store. Constantly seeking information and creating a list of how we stack up against the competition so to speak. We are also looking for helpful tips... Really we all want to know how the lady with a baby in the cart and three toddling behind her still has time to look fantastic and have any patience. If she can handle four, why do we feel so lost with just one??
5. We roll up larger than life!
This has to be the most classic sign of a new mother. We roll up to do a quick shop with our Jogging stroller, our baby carrier, the diaper bag, two types of coats, a hat, mittens, two suckies, and toys... for our newborn baby. This baby I promise... will sleep the entire time you shop... especially at the beginning. But for some reason we haven't learned how to cut down on the things we don't need
6. Them baggies don’t hide themselves.
Recall the line about "that mother" and the under eye baggies the size of land yachts. That's right we all wear a badge and it's not on our arms. Whether your variety comes with puffy eyes or just circles that are so black you think your soul will be sucked into them if you look too long, it's there. Whether you only got four hours last night or twelve. It's still an adjustment period with new babies and it's tough to find your rhythm.
**Added Bonus: Some of us will be found in the make-up department lusting after new products to cover said badges... side note- I'm still searching.
7. A puffed chest and sense of pride.
We walk around with a look on our faces at a time. Normally when our baby is being quiet and cute and usually sleeping. We want to boast about our bundle and how they spew utter perfection. We hold our heads a little higher after the mom with four kids gives us the 'nod'. We think it means 'oh she looks like she’s managing so well'. I've heard it actually is a look of lust. One that carries the message 'Why did I have more kids... One baby was so easy... ah the good old days'.
8. One of two evils: Need to be dragged out of the store OR Super speed + impatience.
I belong to the first category. Normally I try to find ways to stay at the store if I have a quiet baby. I led quiet an active life before baby and I long for the days when I could power shop numerous stores. Now since it takes longer to go everywhere and do everything, I search for ways to stay at the current place I'm at since I'm already there and I don't want to be at home. Now if you find no mothers who are trying to actively stay in a store much longer than necessary, you may also find the super speed version. This mother commonly is found with a 'do I really need deodorant' look on her face while she is trying to minimize the number of aisles she has to visit to complete her list. This mother is also found to be impatience at the checkout counter with a very evident, Get in, and Get out attitude.
9. Cluster of grandparents
Now grandparents - the cliché kind - flock to new mothers. Their radars are ultra-sensitive to them. If your still having trouble identifying a new mother. Look for the grandparent sign. These are the other population who stop mom's to ask the pertinent questions like: AWWW! How old? Good baby? How are they sleeping? This person doesn't know them. They just love babies and want to talk to all the moms about theirs. Now I know you’re thinking well... grandparents will flock to all moms not just new ones. That's where you’re wrong. The older generation came from a time of politeness and courtesy. They won’t strike up a conversation unless you make eye-contact. This is where you can spot the new moms. They commonly make eye contact. Thus leading to more frequent stops.
10. The easiest sign of all: They look just like you.
They are struggling, just like you. They are succeeding, just like you. While we all try to find our confidence of days-long-ago past, be kind to the impatient mother and make small talk with each other. And if you see a new mom struggling give her 'the - I've been there too - nod'. It will brighten your day when you need it.
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